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Happy Easter : Put a little "Spring" in your Step

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

Skincare and Acupuncture Spring Special!

Friends and Colleagues Acupuncture Physician Tessa Nagel and Skincare Specialist Helene Bergbauer are teaming up again to support their community this Spring season.

WHEN: Monday April 29, 2019

45 min.treatments begin at 11:15 am and run until 6:45 pm.

Be sure to schedule soon as appointments book quickly.

WHERE: 4370 S. Tamiami trail, #314 & #307, Sarasota, FL34231

The Strathmore Building

This Spring Special will focus on strengthening the epidermis, improve the skin texture and tone by sweeping gently away the top layer of the skin and infusing paraben-free solutions targeting specific concerns; and will focus on Liver Support, harmonizing the body, bringing back the glow to your skin, any necessary detox and allergy relief. You can read about the Spring season and its relation to the Liver system in Chinese Medicine below.


§ 45 minutes each, Acupuncture and DermaSweep skincare treatments, $45 each

§ Learn a Qi Gong exercise to support the Liver

§ Learn acupressure points to support the Liver

§ Enjoy a Liver Support tea and some healthy snacks in the community room before or after your sessions

§ Aromatherapy to Support the Liver

§ Receive Ear sticker “seeds” to Support the Liver

§ Receive Allergy Relief, if necessary

To schedule your appointments, please contact

Helene at 941-320-7803 or Tessa at 707-889-0947.

DermaSweep Skincare Treatment is a new solution to your skincare concerns. This treatment improves micro-circulation and oxygenation to promote healthy glowing skin and boost collagen. Learn more at:

Learn more about acupuncture’s benefits and Tessa Nagel, Acupuncture Physician at

The Spring Season seen through the Chinese Medicine Lens

Chinese Medicine believes that living in harmony with the seasons of the year promotes health, wellbeing and disease prevention. Each season is related to one of the main organ meridians and has unique qualities both externally in the natural world and within our bodies.

Spring is an exciting season as new life sprouts in nature and a sense of fresh starts fills the air. The Liver network is associated with Chinese Medicine, which energizes and expands the energy of spring within our own bodies. When the Liver system is functioning properly there is a sense of ease, freedom and expansiveness in our bodies, both emotionally and physically.

Some Symptoms of Liver imbalance

Anger/Irritation/FrustrationDepressionDigestive disorder (IBS and indigestion)Menstrual disorders (PMS, irregular or painful menses)Shoulder and Neck tensionHeadaches and DizzinessThe eyes and nails are also related to the liver, so their health is a good way to track your liver functions as well

During spring there is a tendency to experience an increase in the above Liver pathologies. We can harmonize our Liver by shifting our awareness and making some simple changes:

Simple lifestyle changes to support the Liver system

1. Wake earlier. While it is still beneficial to go to bed by 10 pm, the morning is the spring of the day so during this season it is a good idea to rise earlier. Wake by 7am and see if you feel more energized throughout the day.

2. Exercise. While exercise is important year round, the Liver’s connection to anger and depression make this time of year especially important for a good exercise routine. Soothe your Liver by walking in nature for 20-30 minutes 3-4x/ week.

3. Eat your Greens. The Liver is associated with the color green. Take advantage of the new spring growth and increase your consumption of kale, sprouts, arugula, watercress, and other green vegetables.

4. Add sour to your diet. The flavor related to the Liver is sour. Add a slice of fresh lemon, lime or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water every morning. This aids both digestive and emotional health.

5. Relax and de-stress. While the tendency in the spring is to get even busier, remember to schedule in downtime in order to let your energy gradually build as we move out of winter. Meditation, spending time in nature, Yoga, Tai Qi and Qi Gong are wonderful ways to accomplish this.

6. Acupuncture Acupuncture harmonizes your Liver and brings your being into homeostasis, perfect balance. Experience relief in your symptoms and set the stage for long-term health for the rest of the year with a spring acupuncture tune-up. For the most effective and long-term results it is important to complete a series of acupuncture treatments, with most patients benefiting from weekly treatments for 4-6 weeks followed by monthly or bimonthly maintenance treatments.

Mother’s Day is fast approaching! Gift Certificates make wonderful gifts. Treat the mothers in your life to the gift of better health and skin!

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